
Friday, 19 September 2014


Today, I thought I’d write a blog post in response to this weeks Motivational Monday from Sprinkle of Glitter, a blog I love and am constantly inspired by. Four days ago, Sprinkle of Glitter (a.k.a. Louise) wrote a list of all the things she felt grateful for in her life and why, with the purpose of making her feel happy about herself and to make her readers also think about the topic in relation to themselves.

Which is exactly what happened. I found her post so uplifting and – as a given – motivational, that I felt I had to do the same and write my own list to share with you. I think it’s good to step back and take into account everything we have around us that we may sometimes take for granted. So, the following is my list of things I am truly grateful for and doubt I could live without.

1) My Circumstances:
I feel very grateful to live in a loving environment with two parents and a brother who would do anything for me, as I would do for them. To live in a house that is clean, well looked after and safe is something I feel most people do take for granted, because the nasty truth that can sometimes be ignored is that some people don’t have these simple luxuries that others think of as normal. Thinking about it now, it saddens me that some people can’t feel the way I do about my own situation, which makes it even more important for me, and others, to appreciate where they are and who they have around them.

2) My Brother:
Despite the occasional arguments and the ominous cabbage smell, I am grateful to say I have a brother like William. It is unfortunately true that a lot of siblings fight, annoy, and don’t get on with each other the way William and I do, which makes me feel as though they are missing out. My brother and I have a very different, yet great relationship, whereby we talk to each other like best friends, but also have the brother-sister bond, which I think takes it to a new level. We are so close and we tell each other things that we wouldn’t tell another soul, not even our best friends. We share many of the same interests, which spark awesome conversations about the randomest of things, and means we want to do things together such as attend the same music festivals and concerts. Having my own personal confidant whom I live with not only makes life at home funny and interesting, but also special. Overall, he’s an awesome brother (though I’d never tell him).

3) My Dad:
As you will know if you read my last blog post, The 21 Questions Tag, my dad isn’t my biological father, but that doesn’t mean he is valued any less by both me and my brother. Not only am I grateful to have him in my life because he goes out and works hard to earn money that he mostly spends on my brother and I, and not only does he make terrible dad-jokes that are so awful to the extent that they’re funny, but I am also thankful to have my dad around, because he has had to change his whole life for us. It must be strange to meet a woman and fall in love, but she already has two kids whose early years you missed. As I was only three when he became a part of our lives, he features in most of my earliest memories, which is great because it feels as though he’s always been there. But for him, he had to quickly adapt from single guy living alone, to full-time father of two kids, without the nine-month pregnancy to prepare, not to mention the fact he didn’t even know us as people, or our personalities. But I look at what he had to do and how he did it with awe and admiration, as I know it must have been hard, and if he hadn’t, I wouldn’t have the great dad I do today. It’s one thing to be classed as someone’s parent, but another to be their father, and my dad fits that father role perfectly, being everything a dad can be.

4) My Mum:
After hearing the last two things in my life I am grateful for, you must have seen this one coming, but as well as being my personal chef, cleaner, and bank, my mum is also my closest council and best friend. I know that saying she is ‘the best mum in the world’ is very cliché and that I’m pretty bias as she’s the only mother I’ve ever had, but I seriously cannot imagine life without her and would hate to not have her around. She is so kind, and thoughtful, and clever, and beautiful, and I know that sometimes she feels underappreciated by me, William, dad, and others, but I will never cease to be grateful toward you, Mummy. I love her so much and I know many other people do to. She puts everyone before herself and always thinks of others, and I wish she would see herself the way I see her everyday. In exactly one year, I will be leaving home to go off to university, and as exciting and giddy about the prospect as I am, the idea of moving out and not seeing her everyday is terrifying and heartbreaking. Even though texts every day and thousands of phone calls will not be enough to satiate the horrible feelings that leaving her will create, I will always think of her and forever thank her for the years of care, love, and knowledge she has given me. Mummy, I love you and even with a six-hour distance between us, you still wont get rid off me.

5)  Me:
And finally, I am grateful to be me. Pretty much everyone in the world is not fully satisfied with himself or herself, whether it’s the way they look, the way they speak, who they are or what they do. But even though we may wish to be different, I believe we must try to come to terms with the person each of us are. I am grateful that I am the type of person that wants to learn more, who strives to do something different and better myself. No, I am not perfect by any means, and yes, there are things about me I would change if I could, such as wanting my skin to be clearer, or wishing I was better at talking to people and making new friends. But despite this, the last two years have taught me that I can still be happy as I am. I can read, write, listen, learn and – perhaps most importantly – breathe and live, and I am so incredibly grateful for that. I can always better myself and go after anything I want, no matter what anyone else thinks. I have found that being happier with myself has helped me do things I never though I’d be able to do, especially recently as I’ve started opening up and talking to new people. I used to hate how big my eyes were; now I love them. I used to hate the way I looked because I didn’t think I was as ‘hot’ as the other girls at school; now I know I can feel attractive by just being me. The point of life is to enjoy it, so how can you do that if you can’t even enjoy yourself. Haha, bit of a philosophical rant here, but I think I’m getting my point across! So, using a great quote that I love and emulating the voice of YouTube’s fabulous Tyler Oakley: “You do you, and I’ll do me.” Be yourself and be grateful to be you. J

And these are the big parts of my life that I am grateful for and that make me happy on a daily basis. I would like to thank Louise from Sprinkle of Glitter for giving me this idea and also sharing the things she feels gratitude toward, as I think it’s a great exercise for anyone to do if they want to pick up their mood on a bad day; I highly recommend it and I know I feel happier after writing this.

I would love to hear your own gratitude lists, so tell me in the comments below some of the things you are most grateful for in your lives, to give yourself and pick-me-up and to inspire others to think of their own list.

And in the true style of Louise: Toodlepip! xx

Eleanor J

Sunday, 7 September 2014

The 21 Questions Tag

Hey guys, so seen as I’m new to this whole blogging thing I thought I would give you the chance to get to know me a bit more by answering the 21 questions tag, which I tagged myself to do. I looked around at different questions for inspiration and came up with the ones I found the most interesting and fun.

So without further ado, here are my answers to 21 questions about myself. Enjoy :)

1.  Are you named after anyone?
No, I wasn’t named after anyone in particular. My mum had a friend who looked after a little girl named Eleanor when she lived in London (before I was born) and that’s where my mum started to like the name. She initially called me Eleanor because, at the time, she didn’t know many other people with that name, but then I went to school and little Eleanor’s seemed to be everywhere.

2.  When was the last time you cried?
I think the last time I cried was when I was watching a sad film, as I do tend to do that a lot. I’m not sure which film it was as I can’t remember the last time I cried clearly.

3.  Do you have any allergies?
Nope. I have never been allergic to anything and I hope to remain that way J Unlike my Dad who is allergic to everything!

4.     What is the one thing you like least about yourself?
The one thing that I like least about myself would be my skin. It is so unpredictable and I never feel as though it looks good. Big spots and blemishes all the time that I wish would disappear. But I suppose I can’t complain too much as I always have the option of using makeup, but that’s something I can never be bothered with. But it would be nice to have perfect natural skin.

What is the one thing you like best about yourself?
The one thing I like most about myself would be my hair, definitely. I know it’s not the best hair out there, but I love it so much as I enjoy doing different things with it and putting it in different styles. For those of you who don’t know, I have blonde hair and until recently it had been incredibly long and I had a different do every day. However, over a month ago I decided to take the plunge and chop it all off. It was one of the biggest shocks of my life and something I’ve had to get used to, especially as my variety of hairstyles have now diminished by at least two thirds, but I still love it and am still trying to make it look different each day.

Will you ever bungee jump?
I know that I would be absolutely terrified and have many second, third, fourth and fifth thoughts before-hand, but I would definitely do a bungee jump. I know that I’d love it as soon as I did it, I just can’t let my mind get the better of me.

Are you a messy or an organised person?
In many ways I am a bit of both. In terms of organising school revision timetables, setting out work, setting alarms and making countless lists of completely unnecessary things, I am extremely organised and very over-the-top with it. However, I also have the messiest room in my house and can’t keep it tidy for more than a day. Not many of my possessions have a set place in my room and everything ends up on the floor in the end.

8.     What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Most people would say the eyes, and I have to say that that would be what I notice second. I’m a sucker for adorable eyes and love checking out the colour of the people I see. But, the thing I notice first would be the hair. I find that a person’s hair is something that makes up a large percentage of their head and I like making note of the colour, length and style.

What is your eye colour?
My eyes are a medium blue; they are neither a light blue nor a dark blue, they are just in the middle. However, upon inspection I’ve found that one of my eyes have small and virtually invisible brown stripes against the blue, which I think it pretty cool. But, you’d have to get really close to see.

Do you have a job?
Yes, I do have a job that I have had for nearly a year, since July 2013. I am a lifeguard and a swimming teacher and Driffield Leisure Centre, which is conveniently just across the road from my house. And I must say, I do look good in red and yellow ;)

Summer or winter?
Winter, definitely. Summer is an amazing and beautiful season, but winter just sends chills down my spine (and that’s not just from the cold). I love it when you have to wrap up in jumpers, coats, gloves, hats and scarves to go outside and obviously, when it snows you can have the best times ever! Snowmen, snowball fights and snow angels are what epitomize Christmas for me; my favourite time of the year.

What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?
The furthest I have ever been from home would be when I was 13/14 years old and I went to Tenerife with my Swimming squad. This was in 2010 and we went without our parents on a training camp with our coaches. We were there for a week and unfortunately didn’t get to enjoy much of the surrounding area as we were training every morning and evening in the swimming pool which we had to hike up a massive hill to get to (we did this in order to train at a different altitude). But, we did get a day off from swimming when we decided to go to … a water park. Haha, not much of a difference but it was incredibly fun J

Are you a ‘morning’ or a ‘night’ person?
Oh, I’m definitely a ‘night person’. Mornings are my enemy and I hate having to get out of my cosy warm bed which I want to stay in all day, but when it comes to night time I’m wide awake and don’t want to go back to sleep. This is when I end up on the internet or watching films until the early hours of the morning :/

Where were you born?
I was born in High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire. However this is not where I am from. To be honest, I don’t know where I am from. My mum and my dad (before they split up) used to move around a lot as my father was in the RAF. This meant we had many different homes, a lot of which I can’t remember as I was so young.

What are your hobbies?
I have many hobbies, some of them you know about already. One of my biggest pass-times is reading. I do this all the time and in many different forms such as reading normal books (my favourite form of reading), reading fan fictions about YouTubers and members of boy bands, and reading the blog posts of all my favourite internet bloggers. Writing is something else that I do a lot of, especially now that I have started Eleanor’s Little Space, and I enjoy it immensely. Another hobby would be swimming. Although I do not swim to the level I have done in the past, I am currently a member of the Beverly Barracudas Swim Squad and am enjoying training three times a week.

Do you have any pets?
In the past I have had many different pets, but now I only have one cat and one dog. My cat is called Fuzz, so named because of her massive and fuzzy lion mane which is constantly getting matted and collecting bits of the outside. My dog is a border collie called Mac, who is absolutely mental and I think he’s a bit OCD.

Image: Mac Attack!

17.     Do you have any siblings?
Yes, I have a (not so little) little brother called William who is nearly 16 years old and actually looks 18, which is depressing when I’m nearly 18 and look 12. We get along really well and tell each other everything, which some people find really weird because they wouldn’t dream of telling their siblings their deepest and darkest secrets, but William and I have grown up telling each other everything and we just haven’t stopped.

18.     Who do you live with at the moment?
At the moment I am doing my A-Levels which means I am still leaving at home with my family. I am living with my brother William, my mum Nicola and my dad Josh. My mum is amazing and she is seriously the bestest of the best and we are so alike, it’s actually quite scary. My dad is actually my stepdad, but he’s been around since I was 3 years old so he’s basically my real dad in my eyes, and he’s great too. I will continue living with these three people, as well as Mac and Fuzz, until I have finished Year 13 at Sixth Form and move out to go to University. I only have one year left of this, so I’ll have to make the most of it whilst I can.

19.     Who are your closest friends?
I have a small group of my closest friends that I talk to like family and would tell anything to. Just me and three other girls who I met at different times after moving up to ‘Big School’ in Year 7 and never really got to know until Year 9. Their names are Georgina Middlewood, Charlotte Harman and Amy Phillips. In Year 9 we all grew closer together and created our own little group which we called ‘The Green Team’. Please don’t ask why we called ourselves this, because we have no idea. And now over three years of friendship have passed and we are still as close as ever, despite having one member of the group, Amy, leave us to go to college when the rest of us stayed at Sixth Form. We still meet up when we can and talk about anything and everything.

20.     What is one thing you do not eat?
Ever since being old enough to eat whole foods I have detested the abominations that are mushrooms! They’re awful and slimy and chewy and icky and just eww! Just NO!

21.     What is one of your favourite quotes?
Being the avid reader that I am I have many quotes that I love, but my favourite one spoke to me on a personal level and found me in an unexpected way. About three or four years ago I was looking around WHSmith’s for a book and I came across “Mr Darcy, Vampyre”, a book written by Amanda Grange and was a gothic sequel to Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”. As I had read “Pride and Prejudice” and loved it I was intrigued by this take on the story and started leafing through the pages. And as I did I found a yellow post-it note stuck in on page 203. On the post-it was written: ‘Don’t give up when you still have something to give, nothing is really over until the moment you stop trying <3’ I have no idea where the quote had come from or who had written this and placed it in a random book in the shop, but it had spoken to me and had made my day. So I bought the book and have lived by that quote ever since. I truly believe that one should never stop trying at something they want, and I also believe that there are some truly great and inspirational people out there, like the anonymous person that left that post-it for some stranger to read and smile at.

Image: The Post-It
Okay guys, that’s all 21 questions answered.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and learning some more information about me, and hopefully you feel as though you know me better than you did.

Comment below what some of your answers to these questions would be as I would love to know more about you, and perhaps comment with some different questions that you would like me to answer and I might make a similar post for you guys in the future.

Also, recently I have discovered this wonderful website called Redbubble where you can find art designs and place them on products of your choice; products such as T-Shirts, hoodies, pillows and posters. I have made a few designs myself and hope to make more soon, as I have fully enjoyed it.

If you guys want to head over there, check out my art work, and perhaps buy some products with my designs on, feel free :) Just click on the link below...

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it.

Eleanor :)

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

My Summer Shopping Haul

Hey guys, so today I thought I’d share with you my summer shopping haul as I had a really nice day out at the beginning of the summer holidays, all by myself, and I bought some awesome things and had a great day just wandering around the shops of Hull.

I caught the train from my small town of Driffield and travelled all the way to Kingston upon Hull, the nearest city to me which has decent shops. In the city centre there are two main shopping centres that I personally visit, and they are St. Stevens and Princess Quay. Now, even though I looked around many, many other shops on my day out, I actually only bought things from four shops in total. I much prefer window shopping in the higher end, expensive shops and doing the majority of my purchasing in the cheaper ones ;)

Most of the clothes I bought for myself were from Primark in Princess Quay Shopping Centre, and I walked away with a total of seven items from here: three dresses, two tops, a short-suit and some jeans. I am about to show you these items but first I must apologise for not having the exact names and prices for all these. However, I have the pictures of me wearing them and I can tell the the sizes I'm wearing. If I choose to do another blog post like this in the future, then I shall remember to keep all the receipts.

So, without further ado, here they are…
Image: Purple Floor-Length Dress
Shop: Primark
Brand: Atmosphere
Size: 8

Image: Pink Knee-Length Dress
Shop: Primark
Brand: Atmosphere
Size: 8

Image: Aboriginal Print Knee-Length Dress
Shop: Primark
Brand: Atmosphere
Size: 12

These three dresses are beautiful and I love them all. The first one is an extremely pink, pink dress that looks quite school-girly in its innocence, but quite shocking due to its bright colour. I am loving the white, high collar and would much prefer to be wearing a white belt with this outfit, to match with the collar and complete the look.

The second dress is a super-soft purple dress that goes all the way down to the floor. It is very figure-hugging and flattering and you can wear it out anywhere, in the summer, as it is not too fancy. I’m thinking a day to the beach must be in order to properly break-in this dress :)

And dress number three is my favourite out of them all; its different coloured print is interesting and pretty. I have worn this on many different occasions since buying it as I love it so much and can’t get enough of it. This is a size 12, which I didn’t actually realise until I was writing this post, however it seems to fit me, even though most of the clothes I buy are usually 8 – 10 (please note that all sizes are UK sizes). Another thing that attracted me to this dress is the back, and for those who are interested, this is what it looks like:

Image: Dress No. 3 from the Back
(Excuse the bra straps!)

As well as the dresses, I also got this beautiful and sweet short-suit that is just the right amount of floaty and figure-hugging; not too tight, but not too loose. This outfit is split up the back, which wouldn’t be a problem except you can see your bra strap clearly, (something my mum doesn’t really like the look of) but I’ve still worn this whilst out-and-about.

Image: Black Floral-Print Short-Suit
Shop: Primark
Brand: Atmosphere
Size: 8
Image: Floral from the Back

Next would be the trousers and two tops. I am wearing the grey, faded jeans in both pictures and I love them so much. They fit me perfectly, are so soft and comfortable and as they are jeans you can pretty much wear them with anything you want. This is good for me as I wear jeans all the time due to my excessive T-Shirt collection.

Image: White Crop Top with Lace Body
Shop: Primark
Brand: Atmosphere
Size: 8
Image: Grey Jeans and Black and Yellow
Floral Baseball Jersey T-Shirt
Shop: Primark
Brand: Denim Co.
Size: 8
Brand: Atmosphere
Size: 8

This first top is in a baseball jersey style with black sleeves and a see-through yellow body. Its floral pattern and yellow colour make the top look very fresh and summery, whereas the jersey style makes this look bolder and more interesting, in my opinion. The second top from Primark is a white crop-top with lace hanging over it, which means it’s sexy as its showing some skin for summer, but you are still keeping a bit to the imagination.

As well as shopping in Primark, I bought some fancier clothes from a shop in the St. Stevens Shopping Centre called Select. I did this as I had a night out in Driffield as part of a staff leaving do, so I thought I’d make the effort and get some nice clothes (this night did not go to plan, I might add, as I got all dressed up just to get turned away at the door of Wetherspoons at 8 O’CLOCK because I didn’t have ID!!!!!) From here I bought this lovely and flattering black skater dress which shows off curves, but is still very modest. I can’t wait to wear this out. Only 1 month and 16 days until my eighteenth!!!!! :D

Image: Black Knee-Length Skater Dress
Shop: Select
Size: 8

As I am naturally a very indecisive person, I could not just settle on one choice for my night out. So, I also bought the following three items from Select; an amazing skirt which I love and will wear all the time, and two different tops to go with it. In the shop I had already realised that I preferred the shirt/top combo for the night do, but I still could not make up my mind about which of the two tops, and I still loved the dress, so I bought them ALL!

Image: Combo No. 1 from the Back
Shop: Select
Size: 6
Image: Shirt/Top Combo No. 1
Top:Shop: Select
Size: 8

Image: Combo No.2 from the Back
And this is Combo No.2. Let me know in the comments below which shirt/top combo you prefer...

Image: Skirt/top Combo No.2
Shop: Select
Size: 8

After careful consideration and enlisting the help of both my parents, I eventually chose Combo No.1, and I was so excited to show it off which made me extra disappointed and annoyed that I was turned away from the pub :(

To go with both combinations I bought these cheap high heeled boots (I can actually remember that these were £18) because my family and I have just moved house and all my heels are packed in boxes. I ended up getting a size smaller than I usually buy as the fives were, for some reason, too big. But even though they are not the best quality, I still really like them.

Image: Black 5 Inch Heels
Shop: Select
Size: 4
And this now brings me to my favourite purchase of the day and something I have wanted for ages. I was actually going to ask my parents for these as an eighteenth birthday present, but I saw them in the sale and couldn’t resist...

Image: Turquoise Nike Wedged-Heel Trainers
Shop: Schuh
Size: 5

I love these so much and wear them all the time when I am anywhere but work (where I have been so often lately). They are so comfy and I love the mixture of heels and trainers. I originally just wanted some designer trainers with the massive lip at the front, but the heeled ones where too good to pass up. I needed them!

And now only three more purchases to go, but not of the clothing and shoe kind. After watching many videos from one of my favourite YouTubers, Zoella, I decided to go into TopShop (at Zoe’s recommendation) and buy some of the high street lipsticks. I bought three different ones and love each of the colours. This one was first…

Image: TopShop Lip Bullet #1
Colour: Bewitched
Image: 'Bewitched' Close Up
Image: 'Bewitched' Final Effect

This first colour is one of TopShop’s Lip Bullets in the colour ‘Bewicthed’. I like it a lot, despite it being my mum’s least favourite. I also think that it doesn’t go very well with my light clothing. I think it would work better with darker clothes and my big boots. I think I’ll pack this for Leeds Fest which I’m going to on the 22nd of August. I’m so excited for Arctic Monkeys!

Image: 'Back In The Game' Close Up

Image: TopShop Lip Bullet #2
Colour: Back In The Game

Image: 'Back In The Game' Final Effect
Another on of TopShop’s Lip Bullets and this is in the colour ‘Back in the Game’. It is a very pink lipstick and I feel as though it will go very well with the pink dress I bought on the same day. I like this colour as it is very sweet and girly, which is weird for me as I’m not very girly myself, but it is very pretty and lives up to its name as I think it would be great for a night out.

And the third from TopShop…

Image: TopShop Creamy Finish Lipstick
Colour: Straight Ace
Image: 'Straight Ace' Close Up

Image: 'Straight Ace' Final Effect
(Weird face)

This is TopShop's Creamy Finish Lipstick in the colour 'Straight Ace'. I really like this colour and it may be my favourite. However, these pictures do not show the true colour of this lipstick as it is actually a lot darker on the lips and a lot lighter on the actual stick, than is shown above.

So, that's it for my summer shopping haul. I really enjoyed making this post and hope that you enjoy reading is also, so let me know in the comments. I realise that it has been a while since I posted on my blog, despite the fact that I said I had a lot of great ideas for you, but I've had a lot of computer troubles that couldn't be overcome, unfortunately. But I'm back now and you can expect more from me in the future.

Until then, thank you for reading.

Eleanor :)